Reinventing Mainstream Classrooms
Ένα ευέλικτο εργαλείο για εκπαιδευτικούς, μαθήτριες και μαθητές σε όλο τον κόσμο
About RE.MA.C
RE.MA.C. brings together native language students, migrant students and mainstream (language) teachers to collaboratively engage in common intercultural, language learning and teaching tasks using new and emergent technologies and digital tools by applying a blended learning model.

RE.MA.C. e-Learning interface addresses the teaching, learning, cognitive and social needs of the mainstream multilingual and multicultural classroom, providing equal opportunities for all, using an innovating online methodology.

Throughout this project, the aim is to tackle the challenges and difficulties (language) mainstream teachers face trying to address students’ diversified needs and interests.

RE.MA.C. Teacher’s Toolkit is the place where teachers of multilingual and multicultural classrooms (and beyond) can find all things necessary to prepare themselves for teaching in mainstream classrooms.
Online Material
Developing and implementing online interactive material
Dynamic Platform
Train mainstream language teachers in teaching SL in mainstream classrooms
Developing and implementing intercultural material, and eventually implementing intercultural tools
Training mainstream primary teachers using the project’s dynamic online platform
Reading Progress
Reading Progress is a free tool built into Microsoft Teams designed to support and track reading fluency in your class. Students record their reading on camera and submit it to you. As you mark and return their work, data is automatically collected and organized in Insights, helping you spend more time with students and less time analyzing data.